Mompreneur Chronicles: The Art of Juggling, Laughing, and Adding Hours to the Day

Hey there, fellow mompreneurs!

Grab your coffee or your beverage of choice; mine is wine.

Let's dive into the rollercoaster that is being a busy mom with a passion for conquering the chaos, one challenge at a time. So, the other day, my dear husband looked at me and dropped this golden nugget of wisdom: "You need more balance." Ah, balance, that elusive creature we chase while simultaneously managing nose wipes, butt wipes, client consultations, user testing and the eternal quest for a pair of matching socks.

As a mompreneur, finding time for your passions is like discovering a unicorn in your backyard—magical, but also potentially mythical. When I'm in the zone, I might as well be wearing blinders. My head is down, the creative sparks are flying, and suddenly I'm knee-deep in pixels, wondering how I ended up here. But, hey, at least the landing page is looking fabulous.

Now, let's talk about the work/life scale. It's a delicate dance, or more accurately, a balancing act on a tightrope made of spaghetti. One moment, you're a coding wizard, and the next, you're trying to figure out why the dishwasher thinks it's an avant-garde percussion instrument.

My passion lies in figuring out problems—whether it's getting my toddler to eat eggs this week or convincing a stubborn code snippet to behave and work responsively. Working on animations, coding, and design features that refuse to cooperate is my jam. It's like a puzzle, and who doesn't love a good puzzle? Well, maybe not the ones with missing pieces, but you get the idea.

Enter my husband with his sage advice: "Give yourself some grace." Grace? In the midst of deadline-induced chaos and a toddler scream-singing "this girl is on fire" at me? Sure, why not! There are only so many hours in a day, and I've come to accept that, sadly, I can't add more by chanting incantations or bribing the clock with sushi. So, note to self: Don't burn yourself out. It's not a good look, and burnt-out mompreneurs aren't as effective as you might think.

Blessings come in the form of partners who pick up the slack and pull you back from the brink when you're too far down the design rabbit hole. It's like having a superhero by your side—only this superhero excels at unloading the dishwasher and soothing your design-induced meltdowns.

Now, let's address the elephant in the room: time management hacks. I'm still on the lookout for the secret stash of extra hours hidden somewhere. If you find it, please share. I've tried everything from asking nicely to threatening my calendar with a throat punch, but no luck so far.

This is a work in progress, a perpetual experiment in mastering the delicate dance of mompreneurship. I love what I do, even when I'm knee-deep in toddler art projects and browser tabs. So here's to all the mompreneurs out there, embracing the chaos, laughing at the absurdity, and secretly hoping that one day, someone invents a time-turner for real. To be continued in the never-ending saga of mompreneur life!


Balancing Act: Finding Passion and Purpose Beyond Work


The 'Free' Fallacy: Why Charging Your Worth is No Joke